I Thought I Was Cured

I had a specific marathon in mind and I started my training program in March (I´d been running pretty consistently since January, but not following any kind of plan). I was kind of taking a wait and see approach at this point, however, as I didn´t actually sign up for the marathon. That way, I could back out if things weren´t going all that well. As it turned out, I stuck with the training pretty well and decided recently to actually sign up and put myself at the point of no return. I had been targeting the Seafair Marathon in Bellevue, WA and I am now all signed up and ready to go for the race which is held Sunday, July 8th. If anyone wants to come out and see one of the greatest spectator sports on earth, this is a prime opportunity. But If you have more important things to do, I´ll understand. Later.

I just checked my calendar and I believe I am open on July 8, to watch, not run. Good for you Johnny. I'm sure you'll hace a blast.
Sounds good to me!
My 2 excuses for never running 26.2mi:
1. Pheidippides
2. Jim Fixx
Jimmy - I'd say that's very suspect reasoning.
Glad to know you'll be home! Maybe I'll do the 1/2...well, maybe I'll just come watch you. we'll see.
I might be running that as well, I will let you know.
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