.Back in the DR in body, but still in Santa Fe in spirit. The wedding was a huge success and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. Some of us (Danny) enjoyed ourselves a little too much at times (Thursday night). I'll let the photos do most of the talking. First off, I made it to Miami and didn't find Scarface, but I did find this goofy looking guy. And somehow I temporarily turned into the lead singer from an 80's band.

Hey, who wants chips? I don't think there was any reason for this, that's just how we roll.

Ryan and I in the town center with the Cathedral of somebody or other in the background.

The spiral staircase at the Loretto Chapel. To learn more click

At the rehearsal dinner.

Marc always wanted to be a Harkins brother.

No, Ryan is not surfing, he´s doing what will from here on out be known as The Andy Benes Dance.

Later that night at The Cowgirl with Jon and Matt. That´s not a purse, it´s European.

Some of the ND contingency enjoying The Cowgirl fare.

Tom, Mike, and Chad having a good time.
Hey Kenny, a little too close there bud.
Go get ´em Tiger.

GQ has since called me for a photo shoot.

Outside the reception taking pictures. As you can see, it turned out to be a really nice day, although up until that point it was cold with even a little bit of snow.

John, I know Ryan and Marc aren´t the prettiest guys around but you don´t have to close your eyes when they look at you.

You might think this is just a picture of John and Danny. Who can find Marc? Another example of getting older, but not necessarily more mature.

Five dudes just putting out the vibe.

The lovely Linda.

Here´s the happy couple at the head table.

Another view from the head table.

And another.

And another.

Yet another.

And bringing up the rear, the only three from the wedding party not coupleized (I like making up words). Abby surely enjoyed the Harkins sandwich though.

Best Men´s toast.

Getting down to Love Shack, performed by cousins-in-law Neil and Emily (close enough).

Back at The Cowgirl after the reception. Matt putting on his best sexy face.

As the two Jo(h)n´s, we share a special bond.

Not surprisingly, the Ryan family was well represented at post-reception bar time.

Boy, we sure looked a lot better earlier in the night.

So that pretty much gives you a good overview of what went on. Unfortunately I didn´t take any photos of my stop in Dallas which included a stay at the LaQuinta Inn and dinner at Denny´s. You´ll just have to imagine how glorious that was. To anyone who did not make it here, I apologize, but it probably means I didn´t get any photos of you. I think I did a fairly decent job of taking pictures now and then, but it wasn´t my primary concern. Until next time.
Awesome photos, John! It was great to see you! Sarah and I had an absolute blast and hope that everyone else did too! We can't wait until you return home this summer!
i remember the harkin sandwich :) what a great weekend!
Great photos,Johnny!
Thank you for posting your photos,Johnny. It was a wonderful weekend and happiest of days!We had a terrific time and enjoyed chatting with you.
Your favorite Uncle/Godfather and Aunt/Godmother, Tim & Patty
Nice work John...can you email me those pictures...
I am so proud to be a part of all of this. Great work Johnny. I would post some of mine too if I knew the technology.
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