Semana Santa
Well, Semana Santa was everything I thought it could be, and more. There were hordes of people everywhere from Thursday on, which I expected. What I didn't expect were the elaborate setups on the beach. There were probably 5 tent and/or stage areas along the main stretch, usually with live music or a dj playing. I even took in a little Dominican rap Saturday night (I wasn't too impressed). Mixed in between all of this were countless food stands selling Dominican food. My favorite empanada guy that is usually set up near one of our schools was down there so I visited him every day. For about 50 cents you can get a tasty fried dough and filling (ham, cheese, egg, ground beef, etc.) treat, future angioplasty not included however. To top it all off, there were fire works around midnight on Saturday, I'm guessing to celebrate the arrival of Easter. If this all sounds weird to you, just think about how strage it is to paint hard boiled eggs and them hide them in the yard. Holiday traditions don't always make a lot of sense I guess. Unfortunately, it was raining a lot so I didn't bring my camera out with me and don't have any pictures. Can't win 'em all.
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