Just a Tip
If you ever find yourself in an airport, or anywhere for that matter, and you need to make a phone call, don´t use your credit card and the instructions on the payphone (I realize that in the age of cell phones, people hardly ever use payphones anymore, but just bear with me here). I suggest that you take the effort to get a handful of change and do it that way. Due to my altered travel plans two weeks ago, I had to call my family a few times to give them updates on when I would arrive in Santa Fe. Twice, when I didn´t have any change, I used my credit card. These two phone calls lasted no more than five minutes each, but when I got back here and checked my credit card account, I found that these calls cost me a grand total of $31.52. When I made the calls, I figured they would be a little on the pricey side, but not that much. Needless to say, I´ll never do that again.
thanks for the tip bro
maybe next time you can go over to one of the numerous newstands in an airport and kindly ask them to break a dollar bill or two for you. Just a thought going forward.
You win some, you lose some
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