The Best I Could Think Of
What's been happening lately? Not a whole lot I guess. This weekend I did a lot of reading and lying around. I watched the De La Hoya/Mayweather fight on Saturday night, mainly because I was bored, not because I really cared too much. Since I couldn't think of anything too interesting to post, and also because I should've done this a long time ago, I thought I'd throw up some pictures of where I live. I think I posted one of my room at the beginning of the year, but this will be a little more extensive. Here goes:

My room
My room from my balcony
The view from my balcony, looking to the right
The pool
The lobby, where I would often watch Gonzaga basketball and yell at the TV by myself
The outside
Another view of the outside
My balcony from the street below
Well, I'm sure that was highly exciting for everyone. Perhaps adding a small amount of interest to it, is the fact that I took these pictures this morning. So that's what it looks like down here today.
So what does the toilet look like?
Really enjoyed the pics,Johnny. the building looks a lot different from what I had imagined. Am looking forward to those sunny blue skies in June!!
You want a toilet picture? Stay tuned...
uh, those are some interesting curtains you got there johnny
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