My new life as a recluse
This has been a pretty strange week for me here and I've definitely learned one thing: I don't think I'm going to become a hermit at any point in my life. Last Sunday my left eye felt really dry and irritated and continued getting worse throughout the day. Sunday afternoon I noticed it was extrememly bloodshot and began to worry that I had pink eye. By Sunday night I noticed it was also getting swollen and was now pretty sure that's what it was. So, Monday morning I went to the clinic and, sure enough, I was told I had conjunctivitis, or pink eye. For those of you that have never had this wonderful condition, I wouldn't recommend trying to contract it. At it's peak, all I felt like doing was lying in a dark room with my eyes closed. I couldn't even really open my eye on Monday morning and it took until yesterday for the swelling to be completely gone. My sight is still a little blurry even today, although it's almost completely better. So most of this week was spent lying around by myself in my darkened room with nothing to do except listen to music and take naps. I couldn't even read because that just irritated my eyes. It's a strange existence just sitting around by yourself doing nothing for multiple days in a row. I did have the foresight on Monday morning to take a picture of myself so that I would have a nice visual aid for this post. I generally don't like to post pictures of myself where I look like an ungodly mess, but I'll make an exception in this case.

No, I did not just go 15 rounds with Apollo Creed
I hope you're feeling better. Nobody ever said the life of a hermit was all that glamorous.
Man Alive!! Pink-eye! Highly contagious!! Too much running around with the pretty girls, John!!!! Ha!
A news clip showed a couple from Utah who was in the D Republic snorkeling with the whales, and got too close to a mama and her baby. Mama switched her tail and sent them flying, breaking the man's leg, among other things. I was glad to hear them say that they did not blame the whale and would be going back some day, only staying further away from them. I thought about you and the fact that you could watch them and were so close to them every day.
Take care, John. Let's see - Russ Morgenson, Tim Wissner and Kellee Taylor are having babies in June, in case I didn't tell you before. SBBB is looking for GOOD accountants - we are very busy. Do you know anybody ? ? ? ?
the cornrows, the fro, the pink eye - you are so money.
Sounds like things are well in the D.R., nice work on saving the world and stuff while the rest of us live selfishly!
Seattle is well, I'll tell it you said hello.
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