Picture Time
I now have the ability to post pictures again. It´s been a while so I´m just going to throw up a bunch of them, without having a unifying theme or anything.

Here are some Payasos on the last day of camp when we had a barbeque.

I grew a beard for 5 or 6 weeks, starting sometime during camp and lasting up until the most recent orientation. Here´s a good view of it.

Here´s a side view.

Then I shaved it down to the amish/Abe Lincoln look for a few days. An aside, this picture was also taken from Diego Columbus´ house looking across the Ozama River.

Finally, I went down to some really large ugly chops. They were fun for a few days as well. This picture was taken from across the river, basically in the background from the prior photo.

And the side view. Behind me here is the Columbus lighthouse, described in the post on Santo Domingo. Behold its majesty.

In one of the museums, we found the greatest weapon ever invented, the Mexican Pistol Sword. It´s a sword with a pistol built into the hilt, so after you run your sword through your enemy, you can finish him off with the pistol to ensure that he is dead. Genius! Here is Anthony marveling at the sheer beauty of this device.

Here is a picture of some guy in one of the museums. I knew I wouldn´t remember who he was, but I was really amused by his rather large lips. His lips are so big.....
This might only make sense to my brother Ryan.

Here I am in front of Diego Columbus´ house on the Plaza de España.

And of course, Diego Columbus´ TV and VCR.
That´s enough photos for now. More to come later.
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