Views From Cabarete

Friday, August 04, 2006

El fin del campamento

Well, the summer camp is finally over. The past week was a little different than the previous four, and was referred to as Olympic Week. There were basically no trips, and the original groups were disbanded. In place we mixed all the different ages together and divided them up into 6 groups named after the 6 continents (sans Antarctica). Then we had various competitions and awarded points for each place. At the end of the week all of the points were tallied up and the top three groups were given medals. I was a part of Autralia and had a pretty good group all in all. It was nice to have some older kids who were generally more well behaved. Unfortunately, however, team Australia came in sixth place, or, fifth runner up as I preferred to call it.

There are a lot of changes going on with the organization in general now, as most of the volunteers have left or are leaving in the next couple days. It'll certainly be different with only four of us, as opposed to 40. In a couple weeks, though, we'll get the rest of the full year volunteers in the mix. Starting monday, those of us who are here are going to be doing a census of sorts in the poor neighborhood where the camp was. Were going to be collecting data mainly on the kids and their levels of education, as well as the parents and their levels of education. It'll be interesting, to say the least, to see how this all works out.

I don't know if I'll be able to get any pictures up for a while, but I'll try. Hope everything is going well for all of you out there.


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