Views From Cabarete

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Faster Than I Thought

As it turns out we were able to finish the census Thursday afternoon. This happened for two reasons: we split into four teams in order to cover more ground and the streets became much less dense as we worked our way to the end of the neighborhood. This was quite exciting for us, as this was interesting work, but not something I would want to do for an extended period of time. Our elation was short lived, however, as the reward for finishing so quickly is that we are now going to include some other neighborhoods. ("It's a problem of motivation, Bob. If I work my ass off so that Initech ships a few extra units each month, I don't see another dime. So where's the motivation in that?") I'm not sure exactly which neighborhoods this will include or how large they will be. Hopefully it won't be all that much more work. Anyhow, it's been a nice relaxing weekend thus far. I stayed in and read last night, and got up early to go surfing this morning. After this I'm headed to the beach. Hopefully none of you are flying anywhere soon, that sounds like a real headache right now.

Harkins, out.


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