Drawing a blank trying to think of a witty title
Due to repeated requests, I´m trying to get photos up more frequently. These are just some pictures I took Friday during the day and later that evening.
Anthony and one of his reading group members
Some kids actually doing something useful on the computer.
My amigitos (little friends) that come in to play with the toys
Some students that often use the computers in the afternoon

This job´s a piece of cake right?
Hey, somebody actually wants to read one of the books!
Tito, giving me his boxing stance for some reason
Not sure if this will show up, but here´s six year old Jasmine Mabry who is one of the two daughters of Jeff and Julia Mabry, fellow volunteers. Jasmine likes to use me as a jungle gym.
Anthony and Jen from my balcony Friday night
Looks like the Amigitos and Tito might cause a little trouble if left unattended. Nice looking kids though. You, on the other hand are starting to resemble Art Garfunkle with all that hair. I'll tell Chris you're coming! She would see your hair as the opportunity of a lifetime.
Good photos,Johnny.Keep'em coming!
Keep the hair and bring the beard back.
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